The New Dark Ages, Part II
- At August 01, 2004
- By Bob Howe
- In Blog Posts
To fill a world with religion, or religions of the Abrahamic kind, is like littering the streets with loaded guns. Do not be surprised if they are used.
Richard Dawkins, on the September 11 attacks, in Positive Atheism
In The New Dark Ages I bemoaned the decline of science literacy in the United States, and laid the blame, at least partially, at the feet of religion. I think it is a valid indictment. But I think we also have to consider the possibility that religion is adaptive. By we I mean secular-humanists and atheists who believe in a mechanical universe; by adaptive I mean conferring a reproductive advantage to believers.
This Explains A Lot
- At July 18, 2004
- By Bob Howe
- In Blog Posts
This Is Just to Say
- At July 17, 2004
- By Bob Howe
- In Blog Posts
I bought some black plums at the grocery store a few days ago. The first one I has was a little woody and without much flavor. Tonight I had two more, and they were perfect: juicy, with the perfect combination of tartness and sweetness. One of those little gifts from the universe.
This Is Just to Say
by William Carlos Williams
I have eaten
the plums
that were in
the iceboxand which
you were probably
for breakfastForgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so coldWilliam Carlos Williams, “This is Just to Say” from The Collected Poems of William Carlos Williams, Volume I, 1909-1939, edited by Christopher MacGowan. Copyright © 1938, 1944, 1945 by New Directions Publishing Corporation.